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Memes. Why they're so important.

Memes! They're everywhere! Love it or hate it, memes are here to stay. If you don't have a business page on Facebook or a LinkedIn profile, now is the time to get one. No matter what type of business you own, memes are vital to your social media presence.

What is a meme? A meme is a photo with a caption, tag line or slogan embedded onto an image or above or below. Many memes have the website of its origin watermarked or printed on the image, so potential clients know how to contact the business.

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially on social media. Photos are attention grabbing - more so than a wall of text. Photos also spark curiosity, which will entice your prospects to read your copy. According to the Social Media Examiner, People connect emotionally to images more than video, audio or text. People make decisions and take action quicker when prompted by images, rather than by reading a lot of text. Memes introduce a world of possibilities for your business!

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Ellen Eustace


Tel: (732) 343-5513


© 2015 by Ellen Eustace

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